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Radio Heads Awards pre Chiki Liki Tu-a - Kapela získala cenu za najlepší album roka 2015


3X4=13 (2016)

iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube

01. Guten tag (00:30) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
02. Kuca Paca (02:34) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
03. Kualalumpurčanka (03:17) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
04. Malicherná záležitosť (03:20) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
05. Každý má svoje (03:13) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
06. Milenka (03:37) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
07. Kristína (03:58) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
08. Stena (02:56) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
09.Hore vodou dolu vodou (03:09) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
10. Ci jeho (03:59) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
11. DPH (03:54) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
12. Popolnica (02:30) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
13. Rači budu doma (03:36) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
14. Pod balkónom (05:29) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]

℗+© PANORAMAmedia | Chiki Liki Tu-a - 3x4=13 2016

LIVE (2015)

Live at Hodokvas Pezinok (19.8.2006) iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube
01. Harmonika (03:17) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
02. Iná šanca není (02:24) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
03. Figyelem (03:24) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
04. Chameleón (04:12) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
05. Laska moja de si (03:16) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
06. Doktori v Prahe a daktorí v Kladne (03:00) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
07. Odborník (02:34) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
08. Gdo ja (03:01) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
09. Dobrý večer mladý pán (05:26) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
10. Kristína (03:57) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
11. Každý má svoje (02:50) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
12. Monte Carlo (05:49) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
13. Lala (03:31) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
14. Tončo je pončo (04:15) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
15. Americká pesnička (03:54) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
16. Ďakujem (11:49) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
17. Poďme všetci (07:31) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
18. Do našeho mesta (01:37) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]

Live in Roxy Praha (20.9.2004) iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube
01. Odborník (03:34) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
02. Tlustá teta (02:02) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
03. Mám 25 (02:22) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
04. Figyelem (02:48)[ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
05. Hitovka (03:10) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
06. Lala (02:42) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
07. Zapni si rádio (03:08) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
08. Malicherná záležitosť (03:17) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
09. Dôchodcovská (03:34) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
10. Svadba (03:12) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
11. Ta toto nie je možné (02:25) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
12. Stena (04:20) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
13. Štrbské pleso (03:44) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
14. Monte Carlo (05:38) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
15. Laska moja de si (03:37) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
16. Kuca Paca (03:57) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
17. Poďme všetci (05:06) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]

℗+© PANORAMAmedia | Chiki Liki Tu-a - Margecany 2015


CD1: Nezatváraj Milan dvere 1998 iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube

01. Chameleón (02:46) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
02. Zbytočne (04:54) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
03. Nedozierne možnosti (02:43) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
04. Malicherná záležitosť (03:19) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
05. Ta toto nie je možné (02:19) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
06. Gdo ja (03:26) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
07. Tončo je pončo (02:08) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
08. Saláma (02:49) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
09. Vrchovatou mierou (03:02) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
10. Tak, a už ho majú (04:34) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
11.Pstruh (03:01) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
12. Dobrá zvesť (03:24) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
13.Štrbské pleso (03:33) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
14. Dačo sa stalo (03:53) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
15. Koľa (04:12) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
16. Je to asi ... (bonus)(03:43) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
17. Nenormálny (bonus) (05:27) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]

CD2: Budeš musel vlasy na blond prefarbil 2000 iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube
01. Tlustá teta (03:06) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
02. Lala (02:50) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
03. Kristína (03:03) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
04.Stena (02:51) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
05. Do našeho mesta (01:27) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
06.Na bežiacom páse (02:46) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
07. K zmiereniu s osudom (03:54) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
08. Svadba (03:23) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
09. Kroky Františka Janečka (00:17) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
10. Syn(01:33) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
11. Odborník(02:19) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
12. Mám 25 (02:06) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
13. Že veru (02:57) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
14. Kuca paca(02:47) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
15. Enastruta mastrubatore (bonus) (02:54) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
16. Zapni si rádio (bonus) (02:38) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]

CD3: Choďte sa hrať pred vlastný vchod 2003 iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube
01. Laska moja de si(02:27) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
02. Vôbec (03:29) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
03. Monte Carlo (...v šušťakoch) (05:04) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
04.A kedy ja ? (02:26) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
05. My sme mladí optimisti(05:04) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
06. Zuza, sorry(02:11) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
07. Figyelem (02:44) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
08. Poďme všetci (02:55) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
09.Ďakujem (05:36) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
10. To sa ti iba zdá (02:49) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
11. Na chatu(01:31) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
12.Dôchodcovská (02:54) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
13. Palec (00:47) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
14. Hitovka (03:13) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]

℗+© PANORAMAmedia | Chiki Liki Tu-a - Margecany 2015


iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube

01. Milenka (03:38) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
02. Miller(04:05) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
03. Prezident (03:02) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
04. Toto vlastne čije (02:24) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
05.Kakao (05:53) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
06. DPH (03:54) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
07. Úradnícka (03:30) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
08. Letáky(03:45) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
09. Ci jeho (04:09) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
10. Triedený odpad (04:08) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
11. Nechcem tam ísť bývať(04:43) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]
12. Tak choď už! (02:43) [ iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube ]

℗+© PANORAMAmedia | Chiki Liki Tu-a - Slzy tvý mámy, Šedivý a spol. 2015


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